Hey everyone (if anyone still reads this), I know it's been a long time, but I have an excuse (kind of) I had a pretty epic electronics malfunction and lost a very large portion of my music (that, combined with shit at school has conspired to keep me from updating as I should). I'm in the process of trying to salvage what I can and starting to rebuild. I'll try to be back and updating over the summer when I can.
Keep your eyes on this space!
Thanks everyone.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Gil-"To Us Conflict Is Not Important"

Hey everyone sorry it's been a while. Whatever. Anyway, I'm just uploading this to let everyone know I'm still here and still have stuff for you. haha. So here you go. This is a 7" from 88'. I've seen this listed as being both self-released and as being released on Kojima recordsGil also released a self-titled 7" (self-released, not sure exactly when) and CD called "Rock Is Not What You Think" on Random records in 1991. I found the self-titled release posted here, check it out.
I'm going to have some more stuff coming when i get back to school and settled in again. I'm thinking maybe some old Australian stuff, some stuff i've got from the Philippines. Any requests?
DivShare File - gil - to us conflict is not important 7__.zip
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Fuck Geez-"ZZZ" and "Not For Sale"

So here are a couple of 7" flexis from Fuck Geez. First up is the "ZZZ" flexi from 1985 and second is the "Not For Sale" flexi from 86. Fuck Geez released at least one other flexi, a tape, an ep, a video and an LP too. Contributed tracks to various MCR comps. All great, all on MCR Records, which is still putting out really great stuff. http://www.dance.ne.jp/~mcr/
They also had a track or two on the "Virus" comp, released on Jungle Hop in 1987.
Track Lists
1. Hataraki takunai
2. No Thank You
3. Higaimosou
4. How To Sex
"Not For Sale"
1. I Love You
2. Fool Girl
DivShare File - fuck geez - zzz flexi - 1985 _japan_.zip
DivShare File - fuck geez - not for sale 7__ flexi - 1986.zip
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Ikka Shinjyuu- "Jishu Seikatsu" and "Kurbitsuri"

So everyone seemed pretty happy when I posted the "Dead Section" and "Dead Section III" records earlier so here are two more. First is the "Jishu Seikatsu" 7". I believe this is from 1989 and was released on Premium Records (?). The second is "Kurbitsuri" I think this was form the early 90's (91?), but I have no idea on what label. If anyone has that information it would be pretty splendid to know.
Anyway, here you go. Enjoy.
Track Lists (sorry i spaced on these in the original post)
Jishu Seikatsu
1. Re Juirs
2. Japanese Title
3. Ole-S
4. No No No
5. Solder "T"
6. V.N.A.
7. "Japanese Title"
1. Kurbitsuri
2. Ikkashinjyuu
DivShare File - ikka shinjyuu - jishu seikatsu 7__ __89_.zip
DivShare File - ikka shinjyuu - kurbitsuri 7__ __9x_.zip
Sunday, December 9, 2007
AKA "Gisouai" flexi

Somebody asked for this a while back, so here you go. Sorry it's not much right now.
This was released on Jisatsu Records in 1984. Hot stuff.
Track List
Side A:
1) Dara Dara Dara
2) Finger Love
Side B:
1) Gisouai
2) Tomaranai
DivShare File - aka - gisouai 7__ flexi __84_.zip
Monday, December 3, 2007
Old School Japanese Punk Assault Part 4: The Extravaganza

Okay. Here's a big fat delivery of more old school Japanese hardcore goodness! It's a doozy today, the biggest thus far. I have for your enjoyment, the following:
The much sought after (or maybe not) Ziga flexi from 1984 released on Jisatsu Records. Ziga had two tracks on the Jisatsu Omnibus 8" Comp EP (also from 84), which is posted over at Good bad Music (www.goodbadmusic.com) There's a little discussion there of this disc but I couldn't find it actually posted anywhere, so here it is.
Next is the Anti-Septic "First Last" EP from 1985. More well known than some of the stuff here but equally as legit.
Next, Half Years' "Power" 7" EP from 1989. Released on Kagai Mousou Records. Don't know much else about this one, good though.
I've got a great little gem here next, the B-Strife s/t 7" EP from 1985. This is just fantastic. Released on Skeleton Records.
Next up, two War Painted City Indian releases. First is the "WPCI Warning" 7" EP from 85. Second is the "Terror Boogie" 12" from 1986. Both of these were released on AA Records. An interesting factoid about the "Terror Boogie" release. It's catalog number (AA021) was also given to another release on AA Records, namely the Glycerin "From The Depth" 8" from the next year. Don't ask me why.
And finally, another real prize, the Gagize "Traculent Crime" 7" flexi from 1986. Released on Half Alive records. Splendid.
So maybe I'm shooting my wad here, setting the standards a bit high for myself. But I love everyone who reads this and I've got plenty of other stuff to post so here you go. Eat up.
Track Lists
Ziga s/t
1. Kabe
2. I Love Me
3. Genzitsu
First Last EP
1. Visions Of Power
2. War Game
3. Dice With Death
4. Death or Glory
1. Excite
2. Joke
3. Power
4. Bleeder
5. Break
6. Today
B-Strife s/t
1. Tears of 56
2. Nonsense
3. No More Me
4. Fuck The Clumsy Metal
WPCI Warning
1. Viviant Rock
2. W.P.C.I. Warning
3. Let's Hot
4. One Way Eager
Terror Boogie
1. Terror Boogie
2. Magic Lips
3. Despaired Coward
4. Saturday Night Trap
5. Drunky Boxer
6. Prelude To Indian
Traculent Crime
1. Short Hope
2. Destroy Peace 'n' Life
3. Nasty Romance
4. Mortal Rose
5. Traculent Crime
6. Death Fuck
7. Final Revolution
DivShare File - 1984 ziga flexi.zip
DivShare File - 1985 first last ep.zip
DivShare File - 1989 half years - power 7__.zip
DivShare File - 1985 b-strife 7__.zip
DivShare File - 1985 wpci warning ep.zip
DivShare File - 1986 terror boogie ep.zip
DivShare File - 1986 traculent crime 7__ flexi.zip
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Old School Japanese Punk Assault Part 3

Alright so back again with a few more tasty treats for everybody.
First up I have a couple Junk Schizo 7" releases. I've got the 1984 "Pity To The Ignorant" 7" released on Doom Records and the 1985 "Crime of Existence" 7" released on AA Records. Junk Schizo were a band from Kyoto who released these two and I THINK a self titled EP (don't quote me). The singer was a guy from New Jersey named John. Bass was handled by Seido, drums by Obara and Guitar by Thuchiya. Just in case anybody cares.
Next I've got the Aburadako unreleased Demo tape from 1984. This is great. 7 unreleased tracks from their studio demo, 3 live tracks from a set at Hosei University (6/24/84 is the date noted) AND as a super extra bonus, another untitled, unreleased studio demo track. Talk about delicious.
Alright that's all for now. I'll probably do one more round of this and then maybe take a break from the Japanese stuff for a little while, or maybe not. I guess we'll see. Anyway ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY!
Whoa totally forgot the track lists.
Here you go
Pity To The Ignorant
1. Black and Red
2. Clown
3. Torture
4. Prisoner
Crime Of Existence
1. Crime of Existence
2. Purple Flower
3. Surfer Girl
4. Kyoto
5. 1984-Goodbye Julia
Aburadako Demo
1. Komenist
2. Jerusalem No Kutsujyoku
3. Fun
4. Crystal Nahat
5. Running High
6. Mu
7. Genbaku
8. Komenist (live)
9. Fun (live)
10. Crystal Nahat (live)
11. Untitled
DivShare File - 1984 pity to the ignorant 7__.zip
DivShare File - 1985 crime of existence 7__.zip
DivShare File - 1984-2 demo tape.zip
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