Hey everyone sorry it's been a while. Whatever. Anyway, I'm just uploading this to let everyone know I'm still here and still have stuff for you. haha. So here you go. This is a 7" from 88'. I've seen this listed as being both self-released and as being released on Kojima recordsGil also released a self-titled 7" (self-released, not sure exactly when) and CD called "Rock Is Not What You Think" on Random records in 1991. I found the self-titled release posted here, check it out.
I'm going to have some more stuff coming when i get back to school and settled in again. I'm thinking maybe some old Australian stuff, some stuff i've got from the Philippines. Any requests?
DivShare File - gil - to us conflict is not important 7__.zip
Nice! Well I am looking right now if I can find any Last Child (Jap) stuff, like the No Give Rock on KWR...not that it is super obscure or anything...Anything by City Indians would be highly attractive to me...etc
Do you have any of these:
-Shojo Ningyou- flexi or 7"
-swanky's- best of part 2 7", control demo, any of the live tapes
-gai- total control demo tape (the acutal tape has 17 tracks versus the 10 on the cd)
-gas- 1st flexi (the mp3s on 7inchpunk are really really quiet)
-anything by the lesser known KWR bands
Gai - total control = http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0ROC62N2
Swankys - live in Tokyo (early/mid period Swankys) = http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FMBEJT76
Swankys - control demo = http://download.yousendit.com/3A7D9D7A0351C80E
All of these posted on my blog previously...I assume the links still works...
the gai demo that was uploaded was from the cd version, the original demo had 18 tracks...i don't know why they cut those.
i don't think that's the control demo, that was the "swank!" cd released by anarchy centre which has lots of rare material. the control demo was released by KWR and only had like 8 tracks.
Oops, well in that case I will second your requests! :)
There's a GAS - 1982-1986 LP out on Partners In Crime. Only 1000 copies so get it now! Has both flexis, split 8" tracks and live.
i just ordered my copy of that lp from brickwall...i would still like mp3s though because my record player has been giving me trouble recently and i don't know when i can fix it or afford a new one.
THANKS!!! i already have all the Gil stuff (flexi, ep, cd, comp stuff, & videos), but a GREAT post nontheless!!
im game for the Filipino stuff!!! been lookijng for stuff from over there for AGES!!! filled in a lot of missing stuff from the Philippines over at the Anthems From The Alleyways & My Fate To Hate blogs, but any stuff would be MOST appreciated!!! THANKS!!!
Thanks a lot for all the great music. I'm always glad to find Japanese hardcore that I haven't heard yet. Keep up the awesome work!
Hey there - yeah I got a request... You got anything by The Slang? Mike from All Go No Slow played a version of the "I No Lay Down Arms" track on his J-Core show ages ago which was a killer version and different to and better than the version on the Sapporo flexi (I'm pretty sure) .
While I'm at it... looking for the second Hypnotics album and the Raw Power Mine to Kill album which noone seems to rate but I think is killer. Maybe its hard to find & not many have heard it. Also the Black Sabbath cover last track on the Dr. Know Wreckage in Flesh album which apparently doesn't appear on the cd reissue for some god-forsaken reason.
I picked up some Singapore stuff there recently if you interested... including old & apparently rare comp called Lion City HC got LOTS of old Aussie stuff on vinyl and some tape & cd too but alas no turntable at the moment... one of these days...
consider yourself linked! AMEN!
check it out
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